Collagraphs are printing plates where materials have been applied to the substrate or where the substrate has been incised or cut away. These textures hold the ink for intaglio and limited relief printing. Collagraphs are an economical and non-etchant technique that can produce exciting and ethereal results. Workshop is suited for Beginners/Experienced. Workshop with Rhonda Ellem.
Date: Saturday 25 May 2019, 9 – 4pm and Saturday 1 June 2019, 9 – 4pm
Cost: $165 (General- $145 + $20 materials | BGP/Friends of NERAM- $135 + $20 materials)
Program: DAY 1
Participants will be guided through each of the two technical stages in producing a series of plates where emphasis is given to line, shape and texture.
gestural (PVA and carborundum)
impasto (stencilling, imprinting, combing)
applying fine textures
incising, cutting and tearing away of substrate
photo on substrate (cutting, enhancing)
Jenny Sages challenge
cut outs/jigsaw
Shellacing and sanding each plate ready for printing and for plate longevity.
3 plates of the same image, prepared for printing
Program: DAY 2
proofing plates, assessing and resolving
overprinting all plates to make one print using intuitive selection and elimination, diluted inks
use of stencils to select parts, give a focal point
wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry
rotating plate 90 degrees
selective inking/poupee
viscosity printing
intaglio and monoprinting
jigsaw printing
Max. 8 participants with a min. of 6 participants are required for the workshop to go ahead